Healthdata > Offline Database

Offline Database

Healthdata was also available as a disc based offline database, also in the viewdata format.  It seems as if it was mostly a copy of the online content, so we present it here for your delight and access..

Do note that this information is at least 20 years old.  Please do not rely on anything in here as current medical advice; for that please visit the NHS website.

    This disease is caused by a bacteria
 called the gonococcus which can only   
 survive in moist areas of the body.    
    The infection causes a very severe  
 discharge from the penis in men but may
 not produce any symptoms in women, who 
 may be unaware they are infected.      
    Babies can be infected from their   
 mothers at the time of birth. They will
 develop a serious eye infection, which 
 requires special treatment.            
    It is possible to catch gonorrhoea  
 on repeated occasions as infection does
 not cause immunity to future attacks.  
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