Healthdata > Offline Database

Offline Database

Healthdata was also available as a disc based offline database, also in the viewdata format.  It seems as if it was mostly a copy of the online content, so we present it here for your delight and access..

Do note that this information is at least 20 years old.  Please do not rely on anything in here as current medical advice; for that please visit the NHS website.

 --------------------------  Head-Lice  
   What are they?                       
   Head lice are small insects that live
 on the scalp. They feed by biting the  
 skin and sucking  blood. The lice lay  
 eggs and glue them to the hair close to
 the scalp. The lice hatch out and the  
 eggshells remain attached to the hair  
 as it grows out. These are called nits.
   Who catches them?                    
   Head lice are most common in children
 but can affect people of any age. There
 are probably as many as 750,000 cases  
 of infestation in the UK each year!    
   How are they caught?                 
   The lice are able to simply walk from
 one hair to another when heads touch.  
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