Healthdata > Offline Database

Offline Database

Healthdata was also available as a disc based offline database, also in the viewdata format.  It seems as if it was mostly a copy of the online content, so we present it here for your delight and access..

Do note that this information is at least 20 years old.  Please do not rely on anything in here as current medical advice; for that please visit the NHS website.

    Travelling Abroad   General Advice  
 Drinking Water                         
    Make sure it is safe, even the water
 you use to brush your teeth. Water     
 should be sterilised by boiling or the 
 use of sterilisation tablets. Milk not 
 sterilised or pasteurised should be    
 boiled before use.                     
 Be Careful with Food                   
    Raw shellfish, vegetables, fruit and
 salads can be contaminated. So can ice 
 cream, ice cubes and undercooked meat  
 or fish. Avoid cold or reheated food   
 Hot, freshly cooked food is safest.    
 Personal Hygiene                       
    Wash hands before handling or eating
                   Press # to continue  

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